Sunday 7 October 2012

Sunday am

Went to see mum at the hospital.  She's on the top floor in Ward D3 - really difficult to get to.  If you go up in the main lift it only goes to the third floor and you have to trail around finding how to get to the next floor with the D wards.  Found the way up in the end.  There is a lift to the fourth floor but hidden away and not signposted a long way down a corridor away from the main lifts.  I should have remembered it as my father was on floor D when he died three years ago.  Maybe they think that putting the elderly on the fourth floor means they're nearer to God.

She does seem a lot brighter.  In A&E she was very quiet and slept all the time so I was fearing the worst.  When I got to the ward she was talking again and had managed to pull out the drip they had her on so she's getting back to her ususal self.

Had to miss the hospital today because of exhaustion.  One of the nurses told me to take a rest while she's in there although I feel guilty missing a visit.  Will go and see her tomorrow.  If she continues to make good progress she should be able to come home soon.

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