Friday 7 September 2012

Friday Morning

It's a while since I posted anything here.  Time constraints really and tiredness so I havn't got around to it.  From now on I will try to post every day as a lot has happened.

At long last we did get some help from Social Services who gave me vouchers so I can get some respite care.  I found a fabulous home.  It does cost far more than the vouchers will pay for so we still had to pay well over 200GBP per week for her care.  We can get four weeks a year which isn't a huge amount but it does at least help.  I can get some rest sometimes.

I also found a new doctor who is far better than the previous idiot.  He has changed some of her medication which seems to help a little.

This morning was difficult - not least because I'm absolutely exhausted at the moment.  One of the pussy cats managed to get knocked down and killed on the roads a couple of weeks ago which was a shock as we loved poor Bertie very much and we're really missing him.  The dog who is well over 14 also needed an operation to remove a growth on her back.  Took her in to the vet yesterday and it seems to have gone very well.  Despite her age she's very sturdy and came through it without any problems.  I'm sleeping downstairs for the next few days so she doesn't follow me upstairs which doesn't really work that well as I have to go upstairs several times a day to look after my mum who can be very demanding.

Anyhow this morning was difficult - started off with a wet bed and shouts for attention.  Michael, my husband, changed the bed while I changed my mother.  Without Michael it would be impossible.  Anyhow mum was in a bad temper and I was so tired it all ended up in a big row.  Don't like it when that happens.  She's changed and back in bed so we'll see how the rest of the day goes.

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